What is the vision of the Run Specialty Cooperative?
Our vision is to create a stronger run specialty industry by inspiring and unifying independent store owners towards meaningful change.
How are you going to do that?
We are going to leverage our combined data to fund an organization that realizes the economic, cultural, and social needs of our organization’s members and their surrounding communities.
What does “leverage our combined data” mean?
Vendors are currently buying our data from other sources. These other sources are profiting from our commodity. It is our position that since the data is our commodity, we as independent retailers should be the ones to benefit from it. We have created a data platform, partnering with Optio, that will allow us to collect and sell data to our vendors.
Will you sell vendors our customer data?
No, that is off the table and is a non-starter.
What is Optio?
Optio is an application designed by Lance Muzslay, owner of Sole Sports in Phoenix. Optio is an inventory management tool that independent retailers are using to keep track of inventory and buying. Learn more at https://www.getopt.io/
How much does Optio cost?
Optio pricing can be found at https://www.getopt.io/pricing, and Lance will give you a 60 day free trial when you sign up through the Cooperative.
Why should the brands get data from the Run Specialty Cooperative?
As the organization grows, so too will the value of our data. More members of the Cooperative means more valuable data. For brands, what better way to say you are our partners than to buy our data directly from us?
Aren’t there other ways brands can get our data?
Yes, but those are ours to control. To turn off UQ Cadence do the following
- log into your UQ Cadence dashboard. From there it’s pretty easy.
- Click Data Permissions on the left
- Deselect anybody you don’t want getting your data!
To turn off RICS, email the president of RICS, Vicki Tewell, and ask her to remove you from the Global Product Catalog and stop selling your data. VTewell@ricssoftware.com
Is the Run Specialty Cooperative just a data platform?
No. We see data as the key to growing our organization. It is powerful and it is a commodity that we, the independent retailer, have that vendors want. By selling this data to the brands we can fund the organization and grow the organization.
But what will the Run Specialty Cooperative do?
We will represent and protect your interests to our brands and vendors. We will seek out opportunities that are unique to us and go in a direction as voted on by our members.
What happens to the money that comes into the Run Specialty Cooperative?
At the end of every year, starting in December 2025, profits of the Cooperative will be distributed to members.
How much does it cost to join?
An Independent Retailer’s investment in the Run Specialty Cooperative is $100 for a membership that expires on December 31, 2025.